There are ways to improve your credit score if you are having trouble getting approved for credit cards or loans, or if you aren’t getting favorable rates for financing. Once improved, many things in your life could change, from your mortgage interest rate to even your cellphone terms. It will take some time to increase […]
Category: Tips
Stop Procrastinating: Fix Your Credit Now
Got bad credit? You’re not alone. Close to one-third of Americans have a credit score lower than 601 — and, yeah, that’s not so hot. Finding out you’re in that lowest credit echelon often comes at the worst time. You’ve just applied for a credit card, a car loan, a mortgage or even an apartment, […]
Is My Credit Score Good? Understand Your Credit Score
Having a good credit score is one of the most important determining factors when it comes to borrowing money. It also determines the low rate that you’ll get when you do. Trying to determine a specific number that means you have a “good” credit score can be tricky. There are lots of different credit scores […]
No Credit? No problem! Get Your New Card
When you have no credit, it may seem impossible that there is a lender out there that would approve you. Lenders use your credit history to see how well you’ve managed your past credit obligations. How do you get that credit when you don’t have credit to begin with? This can certainly be frustrating, but […]
Why You Need A Credit Score
Many of us frequently hear that we need to maintain a good credit score. Your credit score determines whether you will get a mortgage, a personal loan or you will most likely be denied. Besides, a credit score is the main factor while deciding the interest rate. Sounds extremely important. Yet, not many have a […]