There are many benefits to having a great credit score. For instance, you can get access to rewards credit cards, better insurance rates, and cheaper loans. Apart from the traditional tips like paying your bills on time, and not applying to multiple credit cards at once, there are other less-known ways in which you can […]
Category: Tips
Good Debt vs Bad Debt – What’s the difference?
We see so many people getting buried in debt, becoming bankrupt – maybe you’re even one of these people – and then we consider all debt to be bad and that we should avoid it at all costs. However, there are some types of debt which might be good for you to have. So, what’s […]
6 Easy Tips to Get Out of Debt
Making poor financial decisions could make you end up in a huge pile of debt. In fact, two out of every five American households owe money. According to the New York Fed, the debt hit a new record of $13 trillion last year. Are you also on debt? Here are some easy tips to help […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Start An Emergency Fund
Always be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. You probably believe nothing bad will ever happen to you or to a loved one, but life has a way of changing things in an unexpected way. Having an emergency fund will protect you from going broke and desperate in these situations. Here are […]
How To Check Your Credit Score For Free
This popular three-digit number is an essential tool that lenders, employers, and even landlords use to evaluate whether they’re going to offer you a credit line and how much your interest rate is going to be. Knowing about your score is essential to build or rebuild your credit and to save some money along the […]
9 Amazing Apps For Finding Shopping Deals
In this day and age, there’s no reason why not to look for better deals when shopping. You can easily find the latest prices, special promotions, discount and reviews on your smartphone. We’ve selected the best apps for finding discounts that are worth downloading. 1 – Groupon Groupon is an app that helps you to […]
8 Amazing Apps to Help You Manage Your Money
Managing your money requires discipline and knowledge, and it’s not easy to keep track of all of your expenses and bills if you are not used to it. Fortunately, some apps help to make this task easier. We selected the best phone applications to help you with sticking to a budget, manage your money and […]
8 Advantages of Having a Good Credit Score
Your credit score affects your life more than you think. The three-digit number is often used as an evaluation method by many businesses before they decide whether you are reliable or not. Fixing your credit can make your life easier and cheaper since you get many advantages from having a good credit rating. 1) Better […]
10 Amazing Credit Card Benefits You Should Take Advantage Of
Credit cards already come with great things like low-interest rates and cash back rewards. In addition to that, there are other awesome credit card benefits you should know and take advantage of. Above of all, these perks could help you save some extra money every year. 1- Price Protection Isn’t it upsetting when you buy […]
What Factors Affect Your Credit Score
Knowing what factors affect your credit score is very important. This three-digit number is used to evaluate whether or not you get approved for a credit card or a loan and at what interest rate. Here are the main factors that affect your score: Payment history Your payment history accounts for 35% of your credit […]