Paying bills with your credit card can make you earn more rewards, manage your finances, add coverage like price protection to purchases. However, it should only be done as long as you pay your balance in full each month. Which Monthly Bills Can You Pay With a Credit Card? You can normally pay things like your […]
Category: Tips
3 Best Short Term Loans With No Cosigner
Sometimes short term loans are needed when there isn’t enough money to pay all the monthly bills, or for an emergency. Some online services provide this cash advance to meet those needs. They don’t require a cosigner and even bad credit is accepted. CashAdvance ( Cash Advance is a company located in Utah. They have […]
3 Simple Ways to Save Money
Whether the credit card companies are baiting you with cash back or “free” plane tickets, you need to remember that these companies are in the business of making money, not helping you to save it. But by choosing the type of credit card that fits your lifestyle and your needs, you will likely get a […]
4 Tips To Pick The Best Credit Card For You
You likely have a seemingly unending stream of credit card offers arriving in your mailbox each week. Each of these credit card invitations can be very different, so you will need to carefully review each offer before you choose the best one for you. There are four major factors that you will need to consider: […]
Airline Miles or Cash Back: Credit Card Rewards
We all have heard stories of the friend of a friend who planned an amazing trip or got a brand new mixer for free from their credit card rewards. These rewards are free money—as long as you don’t have to pay any annual fees or interest—which is great by anyone’s standard. You’re probably wondering, though, which type […]
Why Do We Need A Credit Card
A credit card can certainly have its downsides and possible risks, but the benefits definitely outweigh any negatives. Why you should get a credit card The main purpose of a credit card is to provide the cardholder with credit. With it, you can buy something today and not have to pay for it until later, […]
6 Easy Tips to Boost Your Odds of Approval
If you’re looking to add a credit card to your wallet to either make your life more convenient or build up your credit score, you’ll first need to know how to apply for a credit card and how to boost your odds of approval. Do some research, read the fine print, and verify your credit […]
Why You Should Get Secured Cards To Build Your Credit
A great tool for building credit is a secured credit card. Whether you have no credit or you are simply looking to rebuild your damaged credit after some tough financial times, signing up to get a secured card is a smart way to help your credit get back on track. Your financial history won’t be […]
6 Credit Card Tactics Every Shopper Should Know
Credit cards can be powerful spending tools, especially when they offer points, miles, or cash back on your purchases. They also often will offer benefits like an extended warranty, car rental insurance, and price protection. If you don’t have a credit card payoff strategy, you could be in big financial trouble. Spending more than you […]
Want To Get Approved? Start Here
Anyone can now apply for a credit card by simply entering their information into an online form and clicking “Submit”. Getting approved for a credit card, however, requires some planning that starts long before you apply. Know your credit score One of the most important factors is your credit score. There might be some slight differences […]